10 December 2009

New Lightwave with CORE technology

Newtek announced they plan to release new version of Lightwave 3D which will use parts of their new CORE technology. This new version is called Lightwave HC, and will serve as transition from "old" Lightwave to the new Lightwave with CORE.

CORE technology is an innovative way of developing 3D content (both pre-rendered, like picture and movies, as well as dynamic content - presentations, games). It uses industry-proven standards as part of its development pipeline - Qt for user inteface, Python for scripting, Bullet physics library, integration with OpenFX, Collada, FBX. Any part of your content created with CORE technology can be animated, both using integrated tools, but also through fully programmable pipeline with CORE SDK (you can write additional code either in Python or C++).

You can read more about Lightwave 3D with CORE technology in official newsletter.

BTW, do you know what is Eipix Store?

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