30 January 2007

Doing It In Strange Places

What is the strangest place and situaction where you did it?

In her room with her friend while her roommate was looking and listening?
Accompanied with a bottle of Stock to celebrate success? Feeling look
of her boyfriend on yourself all the time while your were doing it?
Have you ever did it with a guy?

Well, yesterday, I did it with a friend of mine in the middle of Bistro
(well-known local inn). We met on Miletic square and went there.
After we took off our clothes and ordered something to drink (cooked
wine, actually), exchanging several sentences, we jumped on it. She
took it out on a table and then we started!

Step by step, by the book. One step at a time. Oh, and it wasn't easy. She didn't even tried to make it easy! That's what I like -
a challange. She sucked out every drop of blood from me. Huh, it was
really hard! But I don't regret it. It worthed it! We stood there till
about midnight, drinking wine, enjoying in each other's company.
Really nice evening!

Sincerly, this was one of the strangest places where I was teaching
someone about programming!

26 January 2007

I'm Disease

Yeah! I'm disease. Infectious one! You don't believe me? Check out Lyra's blog ;)

24 January 2007

Attention! Dogs Attack!

It was just an ordinary evening yesterday. Finished singing on choir, I was in a good mood. Having to wait more than hour for my bus, I decided to go for a walk with a friend of mine. Somewhere around, near Danube. And it all started well...

But, since I led the way we were working, after few minutes we hit fence which could be jumped over. Hm, what to do now!? Going back? Nooo, there must be a way. And there was. Thick hole between fence and a barrack standing there. Just enough that you scrape through. My friend managed to do it easily. She passed pretty slightly. But, I had to take off my jacked, and... huh! it was reeeealy close. Fence passed!

Walk continues. Evening. Lights. Several passangers. Danube. Hm, sounds like a romantic evening? No, it wasn't! Not at all. That little stupid, shaggy dog ruined everything! At one moment he was happily jumping behind us. Hey, he wanted to play. At least I thought so. Raised a hand "De si, gari!" ("What's up, dude!")

Suddenly, without any warning (later I was thought of some signs that should have told me that he didn't want to play with me), stupid dog jumped and bite my hand! Feeling his teeth and wet tongue on my wrist was.... at least surprising. I managed to pull out my hand from his mouth, and only my friend stopped me from hitting that dog in head. ARGHUGH!

Angry, hurt, humiliated, bitten by monster several times smaller than I am, the only thing I could do is turn around and went to the bus. Stupid dog. Sniffy dog. Miserable dog. Ugh, I almost wanted to kill all the dogs! But, hey, not all dogs are that stupid! Some of them think before they bite you! Some of them even respect you!

What else to say except one more thing to my friend: THANX :)

23 January 2007

Eipix Blog

Checkout freshly started blog of Eipix, game development company I work for:
Eipix Blog

Also, checkout Eipix and UltraTubes

Hello world!

Hello blogrld! ;) See you around...